Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Allah Knows..

(by Zain Bikha and Dawud Wharnsby Ali)
When you feel all alone in this world
And there’s nobody to count your tears
Just remember, no matter where you are
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you carrying a monster load
And you wonder how far you can go
With every step on that road that you take
Allah knows
Allah knows
No matter what, inside or out
There’s one thing of which there’s no doubt
Allah knows
Allah knows
And whatever lies in the heavens and the earth
Every star in this whole universe
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you find that special someone
Feel your whole life has barely begun
You can walk on the moon, shout it to everyone
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you gaze with love in your eyes
Catch a glimpse of paradise
And you see your child take the first breath of life
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you lose someone close to your heart
See your whole world fall apart
And you try to go on but it seems so hard
Allah knows
Allah knows
You see we all have a path to choose
Through the valleys and hills we go
With the ups and the downs, never fret never frown
Allah knows
Allah knows
Every grain of sand,
In every desert land,
He knows.
Every shade of palm,
Every closed hand,
He knows.
Every sparkling tear,
On every eyelash,
He knows.
Every thought I have,
And every word I share,
He knows.
Allah knows

i dunno if i cud handle dis or not

my block exam and OSCE is next week

and im running full fledge having to teach the juniors on a daily regular basis 10-4pm.its impossible for me to shift the task to the other assistants cos i noe they're also occupied wif their own tight schedule of teaching.

wen im bak at round 5 im oredi a dead pant-->sleepy head

instead of reading my own block's stuffs,i have to read on wut i have to teach,which varies everyday

havent even studied for my own OSCE!

but i just keep telling myself to keep on working,cos im almost der.i just have to work dat extra mile plus focusing hard.get myself under control,keep the spirits coming..

most importantly,pray hard,dun ever give up,just a little bit more toy!


~from the bottom of my heart which is still in extreme clueless over neuro n psychiatry block and daydreaming wishing dat 24 hours can turn into 48 hours.


move on!extra mile,remember...?

Saturday, June 7, 2008


today i've slept really really long hours..its been a long time since i've slept this long.today is saturday and im really glad declaring that its holiday!no class on saturday..nevertheless i have ALS skills station training dis eve afta asar.

yesterday's tutorial really did open my mind a bit.Dr Ismail was referring to the role of a doctor as catarsis.catarsis means window.u open a window to the patient's heart.catarsis is being a good listener,let the patient pour his heart out n showing empathy.n he asked us to differentiate between showing sympathy n empathy.

A doctor should show empathy but not sympathy.Sympathy is you share what the patient is feeling,n u agree with whatever the patient feels,strong emotional involvement really occurs here.but empathy is u show concern n understand the patient's feeling but not until u get emotionally involved n attached as well.n instead of agreeing with whatever the patient feels,u give alternatives to his solution.In other words,u draw a borderline,the borderline is professionalism.

Take an example.If a patient is crying n complaining about her husband and blaming him,sympathy will make u as a doctor cry as well,agree with her complains n join in in blaming her husband.But if ur empathic,u will listen well,giving proper non verbal response to the patient woes n instead of agreeing with her complains,u give alternatives,from many sides of viewpoint so a rational solution cud be derived.

And as a female (and a strongly expressive ones!), i feel that its really hard to show empathy not sympathy.As u know,females tend to be emotional n love to get emotionally involved.I think all these while,if a friend or person comes to me to 'curhat',i'd shown sympathy instead of empathy kerana tak 'sampai hati' cos u noe dat most people will be in denial when they're tangled up in a problem.

i realy need to work on my empathy not sympathy,so my mind will be healthy.hehe.who says being a doctor is easy?huhhhuuu.sigh*

p/s: one week more-exam n OSCE n pharmaco report plus proposal for MSK (Majlis Suai Kenal) plus ECG study n assisstency.pheww,hope i'll manage to get thru.owh,dun forget to go to mbak warni's!

oh,and thx to juniors 07 for such wonderful nasyeed yesterday!that was an effort n soo cute~!(siap ade conductor sume..hehhe).luv u guys a heap!=D

Friday, June 6, 2008

tiada sehebat motivasi islami..

Pagi ini sy memulakan hr dengan penuh motivasi setelah membaca a chapter dlm buku 'Saksikan bahawa aku seorang muslim' oleh Salim A Fillah tentang Abu Bakar dan Umar yang saling bersaing untuk mendapatkan keredhaan Allah. Umar,Si Pejuang,sentiasa berambisi besar utk mengungguli Abu Bakar dlm amal dan pengorbanan.Seorang wanita tua pernah menolak tawaran pertolongan dr Umar dgn mengatakan,"Sudah ada yg membantuku..".Dalam pengintaian Umar di keesokan harinya, beliau melihat Abu Bakar terhendap-hendap memikul karung berisi keperluan hidup si nenek.

Begitu juga dlm Perang Tabuk, seruan jihad harta oleh Rasulullah disambut Umar dgn segera.Saat Rasulullah brtanya berapa yg ia tinggalkn utk keluarga,Umar mengatakan dgn bangga,"Sebanyak yg aku serahkn pd Allah dn rasulNya.Tetapi betapa tercengangnya Umar saat pertanyaan yg sama ditujukan pada rivalnya,Abu Bakar.Dgn gemilangnya Abu Bakar menjawab, "Cukuplah Allah dan RasulNya yg aku tinggalkn utk keluargaku!"

Menjadikan Abu Bakar sbgi kompetitor amal memang harus membuat Umar bergumam, "Mulai hari ini aku sedar,nampaknya aku tak akn pernah dapat mengalahkan Abu Bakar!"

2 pengajaran yg boleh kita ambil dr kisah ini.Yang pertama,manusia memang mempunyai ego, kerana itu kita suka bersaing dan membanding-bandingkan diri kita dgn org lain. Begitu juga dgn sikap2 kita yg lain,seperti sikap pemarah, suka mengeluh dan mengkritik.Ibarat alam yg mempunyai hukum,begitu juga manusia,sifat2 ini ibarat human nature manusia.Dan sesungguhnya Allah, Sang Pencipta sudah sedia maklum dgn sifat makhluk2 ciptaanNya sendiri:

"Sesungguhnya manusia diciptakan bersifat keluh kesah lagi kikir"(Al-Maarij:19-21)

Tetapi manusia2 yg unggul,mampu menyalurkan human nature ataupun kekurangan manusia ini ke jalan utk menuju keredhaan Allah seperti apa yg dicontohkan oleh Umar Al Khatab di sini. Siapa tahu,mungkin kekurangan yg kita rasa kita miliki, sebenarnya mengandung hikmah dan sebaliknya merupakan kelebihan kita.Dan manusia yang hebat adalah manusia yang mampu menyalurkan kekurangannya ke jalan menggapai keredhaan Tuhannya.

Jadi kalau anda seorg yg ego dan gemar bersaing, bersainglah..tidak ada yg salah,tp bersainglah dalam beramal dan mencari kasih sayangNya..
Kalau anda seorg yg pemarah dan pengkritik (boleh jadi juri AF) berhentilah mengkritik sekeling anda,sebaliknya marahlah diri sendiri dan mengeluhlah kerana gagal menyembah Allah the way Allah deserves to be worshipped..
Kalau kita merasa diri kurang cantik ..tak mengapelah, siape tahu ini dapat memupuk rasa rendah diri dan sifat kehambaan kita kpdNya..dgn lebih fokus kpd mengasah kecantikan hati..

Disebabkan sy sdg dlm blok 'Human Behaviour and psychiatry' boleh juga diambil contoh org2 skizophrenia.Mungkin sekali fikir mcm 'musibah' dpt skizo tp sejarah menyaksikan org2 skizo seperti John Forbes yg mana kisah hidupnya di capture dlm 'A Beautiful Mind' mampu menghasilkan karya ilmiah yg hebat kerana 'kelebihan berfikirnya' itu sehinggalah mampu dinobatkan Hadiah Nobel pd tahun 1994 utk game theory nya.Sayangnya dia tak beriman.Mungkin contoh ini agak extreme,tp sy harap msg sy sampai..;).Takpelah kalau anda rasa anda ada mental disorder,just salurkan je ke medan yg sepatutnye..

Berhentilah utk cuba 'mengubah' tapi berusahalah 'menyalurkan' ke jalur yg wajar.Berhentilah utk cuba menjadi org lain,tapi sebaliknya asahlah apa yg ada dlm diri kita utk memberikan yg terbaik di mataNya..Seperti yg teman baik sy Azra katekan,sesungguhnya penciptaan Allah itu Maha Sempurna..x ada yg sia2..

Dan pengajaran yg kedua.Abu Bakar..subhaanallah,sebaik2 sahabat..buat sy merasa tak semestinya kita kn jadi galak atau 'perkasa' utk menjadi pemimpin.tapi Abu Bakar dgn kelembutan hati dan sifat yg ada pada dirinya membuatkannya mulia di sisi Allah..Kerana hati yg lembutnya juga,wajarlah dia dipanggil As Siddiq-"yg membenarkan" melambangkan betapa tinggi keyakinan iman dan kesetiannya pada Allah dan Rasul..

Semoga diri ini, walaupun masih jauh,mampu merangkak-rangkak merintis jalan 'mujahadah diri kerana Allah' seperti yg telah ditelusuri oleh para-para sahabat hebat ini..Amin..

*Rindu syurga dan kasihNya...

Monday, June 2, 2008

sickness at bay

this is not the best time of my life yet i think im getting ill.
feverish,fluish plus headache
n how unmotivated i am to study,urgh
i promised myself to write my own quick review of the previous PERMAI 08,but cudnt manage to steal sum time.later,maybe.

pray for me that im fit enough to encounter this remaining 3more weeks of my 3rd yer-probably the busiest plus frenziest..aya yayy..!