Monday, March 31, 2008
dhuha yg hening
saat ini,
aku hanya mahu menjadi
hambaMu yg berijtihad menuntut ilmu di jalan Mu
maka kurniakanlah aku
dlm melaksanakan hak-hak ilmu Mu
untuk dipelajari dan diajari
juga kurniakanlah aku
kesucian hati
agar ilmu mudah tembus ke dalam dadaku
ya Allah
saat ini,
aku hanya mahu menjadi
hambaMu yang berserah diri hanya kepadaMu
menghayati ayat-ayat suciMu
agar iman tumbuh dalam jiwaku
untuk Kau bukakan pintu-pintu barakah dr langit dan bumiMu
maka kurniakanlah aku
ketenangan dari lubuk hatiku
(Ya Allah kurniakanlah aku kemudahan untuk belajar anatomi yg susah itu -_- . Sesungguhnya tak ada yg mudah kecuali Engkau yg menjadikannya mudah dari sisiMu..)
im gonna miss it =(
check out new books by zaid akhtar-salju sakinah and faisal tehrani's karya nan indah launching (14 april) during the book fair to those in Malaysia!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
the place i so want to go rite now
Earlier on,Istanbul was known as Constantinople. Quoting the saying of Napoleon Bonaparte :"if the world is made into a country, Constantinople would be its Capital City"
The conqueration of Constantinople later by the muslim armies led by Sultan Muhammed Al-Fateh in 1453 was already quoted by the prophet:
Hadith of the Prophet, sallallahualaihiwassalam:
"Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will the leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!"
The city was originally settled in 667BC by Greeks who named it Byzantion after King Byzas.
-the largest mosque in Turkey.built by Sultan Sulayman 1.Outside the mosque,there is his tomb besides his powerful and ambitious wife,Roxelana's tomb.

Galata Tower aka The Tower of Christ
Friday, March 28, 2008
home alone..
Berlakon as probandus time PAB (Pelantikan Anggota Baru) 2007.rasenye memang boleh dinobatkan sbgi pelakon wanita terbaik time of the best nights in my life.lying on the canvas and staring at the stars beramai2 when the sky clears off after the rain (which is ironic).=)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
seandainya aku berhenti berjuang..
quoting one of my fren's y!m status

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
mak yg sangat cute!
me : mak masak ape arini?(dgn nada riangria)
mak : mak masak nasi goreng je
me : mak orang masak bihun goreng, tp takdela best sgt.hehhe
me : mak,tha dah daftar nak masuk tarannum
mak : yeke?mak pon slalu dengar mari bertarannum kat tv
me : yeke?oh yg rancangan bebudak kecik tu ek
mak : haah.mak selalu gak try2 tapi tak berape jadi.tergelak2 husna tgk mak prektis.hehhe.tengok bebudak kecik tu buat jadi pulak.mak ingat mak boleh nyanyi mak bolehla tarannum.tapi tak berape jadi.susah juge.hihhi
me : memang pon mak.tak semestinye boleh nyanyi boleh tarannum.kawan2 tha kat mahad dulu pun byk yg nyanyi bese2 je tapi bile tarannum jadi sedap,hikhik
mak : haah tula.ustad tu kate kalo nak terer tarannum kena bersungguh-sungguh,sepenuh hati ngan kena pandai kontrol nafas turun naik.mmg betul2 kena konsentrate n sungguh2
me : hahahhaa.takot jugak masok separuh jalan.dulu mase kat skolah pon slalu try tapi tak brape jadi.sampai givup.hahha.mak rase tha patot join tak mende ni?
mak : join jela..alang2 ada peluang nak belaja kat sane.bile lagi nak belaja.
me : haah ek.nanti boleh aja ke anak cucu.hekhek.lagipon bukannye mahal pon.tambah ilmu.hehhee..
kesimpulannye mak mmg sangat cute.sentiase encouraging n alwiz gimme reasons to go on.ade2 jek kate2 de yg memberi semangat n peransang hati.
wen diri rase unworthy dielah yg akan beri kate2 dorongan
faveret sentence de..mak slalu doakan tha,tiap2 hari..
mum,ur a gem, the angel in my heart n the bestest gift in my life!
all mums are...=)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
i choose to be strong
i choose to have love and trust within me
i choose to have faith,hopes and belief
i choose to neglect the negative feelings
i choose to be like a child
so carefree and unconscious
i choose to be sincere and noble
i choose to be the person inside of me
i choose to be whatever i want to be
and i choose to be strong
no matter how rough the current is
and im riding against it
cos i know feelings are all about choices
we choose the feelings we're having
stand strong yet dont be still
keep on moving
and walk forward...
today the little boy might be tripping but tomorrow he'll run through the field (Shaykh Hussain Abdul Sattar)
take ur small step slowly
but make it strong and steady...
Monday, March 24, 2008
books and books!
from left : qilah, doy2, pong and me (i noe u guyz dah bored dgn pic ni tp mereka sgt cute!xsia2 mereke bertema purple dan memakai alma mater ugm-mereka menang juare kuiz sirah maulidurrasul mengalahkan kurt kuden dan kwn2 @ team uhibbu fatimah)-hehe. takpe kuden,aku xmenyesal pakai biruu =P.lain kali boleh berentap lagi ye..dlm kuiz minggu memperingati khalifah,haha,untung naseb org siape tauu~hehhe!
Friday, March 21, 2008
i love holidays!
i wish we cud have more of them..=)
me in one of my holiday moods..=)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Santai bersama..Rasulullah dlm kenangan...
"Wahai Nabi, engkau adalah cahaya Allah SWT yang diletakkan pada sulbi Nabi Adam as, sehingga ketika Nabi Adam as turun ke muka bumi ini, engkau ikut turun ke muka bumi bersama Nabi Adam as. Lalu nabi Adam as melahirkan anaknya, dan anaknya melahirkan keturunan, sehingga engkau bersama Nabi Nuh as ketika banjir besar melanda kaumnya, sehingga engkau berada di sulbi para laki-laki mulya yang menikahi wanita-wanita suci, sehingga engkau dilahirkan oleh ibumu dengan cahaya yang terang benderang, dan sungguh hingga kini kami masih dalam naungan cahayamu"
-Sayyidina Abbas Bin Abdul Mutalib
(Kitab Maulid Ad-Diba'i)
Saturday, March 15, 2008
how ironic..
how ironic it cud be
..people that i had once despised, now becoming close to me
..people that i had bad thought them are actually far from wut i imagined
..things that i had wanted to obtain but neva thot cud really have it is now under my possessions
..stuffs that i had wanted to become n now im becoming
Gosh, in just in a blink of an eye
time flies, u grow,u learn..a LOT
but there's alwiz that history
which when u reflect upon them
u realize dat
u can neva really trust ur judgement on da present
cos u neva know wut can really happen to u in da future
i wonder wut other life ironies in store for me waiting to be revealed
it's like been there, done that
but wutever it is
my favourite quote will alwiz be
"with great power comes great responsibilities"
-Peter all time favourite childhood superhero (",)
or maybe,
"life is like a box of chocolate.u neva know wut u gonna get"
-mr Forrest Gump

but the gud times remain perished..
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
exam week..
1st session is tomorrow while the 2nd session is on Saturday. And on Sunday we'll have Annual Grand Meeting of Jogja's Malaysian Students Association. i havent finished with the reports yet! Hope me n jas will have time to pulun finishing it afta xm on saturday.huhu~
been planning a few interesting things to be done afta da going fishing wif doy2, iman n da others.hahha!cmon sisters whoever yg ade bike mari join!!sile2..hope the place is not dat far. i dun really noe wer da fishing pond n restaurant's exact location actually. hope i will survive wif kak azy's route directory.heh heh.
n oso nk dine out wif the sisters, kak fied, kak am n the others. we need to hangout. miss sharing each others' life updates. eh, n oso me n ida have to arrange a session to meet up wif da muslimah juniors upimi. insyaAllahla semoge jadi.
n oso to finish Tunggu Teduh Dulu. im oredi halfway thru, despite the exam!!hehhe. a very2 great book. highly recommended to all book fans! well done faisal tehrani. u really get the message through!(erk betul ke ayat ni..heee). n to cook, argh dh lame gile dapur tak berasap.huuu huuu. simptoms takde mase. oh yea, n to watch ayat2 cinta. dh lame ambil from iman but no time to watch it till the end. br smpi minet ke 36 hahha. sum says its not bad, romantic, got message and all. but i suppose to the ayat2 cinta book fans or yg tak fan but dah read the books mybe quite disappointing, but boleyh layanla. Mybe too goeey doeey, lack of the between the lines message of 'cinta to the pencipta' and erti kehidupan kot? haha, ini hipotesis. pandai2 je padahal belum tgk smpi abis..hehe
okla, nk continue wif my stadying. hv to go to campus at 12.
malass =(. kn assist ortho xm. huhhu.jgn malas2 laaa toy!~ SEMANGAT2...
Allah and me
bukan jadi buta tuli
Aku ingin memaknai
bukan jadi mati hati
Aku ingin mencari
Jgn sampai langkahku terhenti
Aku ingin mendampingi
merasakan Engkau di sisi
Aku ingin resah ini
membuatku mengabdi
Aku tak ingin takut mati
Kerna ku tahu Kau menanti
Aku ingin kasihMu yg abadi
Kerna hanya itu yg pasti
Friday, March 7, 2008
calming antidote 4 da rescue!
cam xsure wif wuteva im doing
betul ke ni?
straighten up ur mind
try to focus
just accept the way it is
wuteva will b will b
adekah ni one of the perfectionistic syndrome
dtg lagi?
oh, lupe pule, smlm ptg afta back from campus for assistency n mirota i had major palpitation.
(erk,adekah ini long term effect minum coffee hari2?hehhe, lbey kuang aa. haah2-->terpakse mengaku)
uh huh. cortisol dan epinephrine tinggi kah?
anxiety nak exam ee
n keje pon byk
kn hanta thesis proposal sbtu ni
n tgh siapkan report biochem
di samping lecture notes yg baru dibace beberape shj
spt biase rs menyesal tak stadi awal2
sedangkan blok endocrine n metabolism ni best
kene fahamla, takkan stakat nk hafal je
once again, im rushing things
Allah, gives me more than 24 hours
or make me a person who hates to sleep/dun need sleep,heh
dahla2,bebel je
borak2 still sempat
cubela discipline kan ckit diri
instead of suke tdo n buang mase
sudahlaah tu
take things easy je
go wif the flow
xyah too hard on self
bace doa bebanyak
+_+ ------> (",)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
the one day will end journey
This is one of those times.
Im trying to find myself
who tahira a.k.a toy really is,hoho
cos sumtimes ur lost between who u really are n who u wanna be.
when i curhat to azra bout it she says everybody feels so
yes, i suppose..
herm neway, lets hope dat dis mistaken-identity-crisis dun gets in the way cos block xm is one week away!!
with tonnes of stuffs to b done (yeah u've heard dis million times already yet the workload don seem to get any lesser-dats life). neway still, i do love my job, assisting compre test n teaching the juniors. i do learn A LOT.
seeing people clad in lab coats performing skills-groggy n nervous like nobody cares n knowing dat one day soon u'll be in their shoes sure gv u sum keinsafan to stadi hard-yes, i hope so. two things i just learnt yesterday - unprepared people tends to babble A LOT more compared to the well prepared ones. well, sort of, most of them. perhaps its true. as belle's saying goes (hey hey belle ingat tak ape peribahasa yg ko gtau aku tuh?hehhe). n oso one incident with a 'sumone' dat makeS me realize dat GOD is just. wut humiliation dat u've done to people will counterback u later n get u humiliated in return. huhhu. i've seen them. really2 please, neva do other people wrongs or 'ada hasad dengki' cos Lord is ever seeing n JUST. Hukum karma really works here. Like Leo Tolstoy's saying- Tuhan tahu tapi menunggu- oh, i love dis saying =P . Marilah bersame2 menjauhi hasad dengki. yeah~
anyhow, im currently on-the-way reading 'Tunggu Teduh Dulu' a novel by Faisal Tehrani. it's basically bout the struggle n perjuangan of a Muslimah named Salsabila Fahim and the search of self, god n life meaning plus the interpretation of wut is actually in store behind every destiny. i suppose it suits my 'lost identity' mood now.heh he he. Here's sum lines dat i love in da book :
Kata Teh Sofia,
ya, kerja Tuhan siapa tahu?
Kata aku,
Tuhan akan menunjukkan kepada yang mencari.
Ya, asal kau mahu mencari, Dia menunjukkan.
Apa kata kau?
Happy burfday to beloved baby bro, ecad- who turns 13 today. Kak Tho loves u =). cepat grow up n be a handsome n reliable young muslim man!
n not to forget, 2 of the important person in my life- my cutest mum who turned sweet 46 last 1st march n beloved housemate miss azra who turned 23 last february 27. actually i planned special entries for these two occasion, but as usual, didn't make life easy for me. hah ha. mybe nxt time. all da best oso for mr kurt -jogja future bestselling equestrian (hehhe) in his open horseriding tournament in bandung. way da go mr darcy!!dis is even betta than the taylor's college students!! (haha u noe wut i mean =P)
will be meeting pak wadi at one in sarjito today. now phak hsia n cek ning is joining our thesis team. welkam to the team..ngeee (",)