Friday, December 26, 2008

another day =)

another day..another adventure! (haha..adventure laa sangaat)..
goin' jogging with iman at 6.30
sending my motor to honda service centre at 8.30 (shock absorber desperately needs to be fixed-remembering ravi shocked face when i incidentally told him bout the shock absorber thing)
going to superindo to buy groceries for our 'masak nasi ayam ramai2 project' at 10.00
fetching kak gym beforehandlaa! =)
doing thesis result interpretation throughout the day
erm wut else?

rumah kat mlysia buat ape harini?critelaa..knape man n ecad dh tak slalu online. man kate ade nk tanye akak sumthing?apekah?

*on playing opick nasyeeds from his Ar Rahman album. not bad!

ini man. man looks cute in dis pic.winduuuu~

ini husna kecik2.soo cute ;). mak...nk adik kecik lagik,,!!

ini pulak si debab kak huda kecik2!mum alwiz told that she was supersmart mase kecik2, so protective of me (yeke?kdg2 mcm bully2zemon je..hehhehe). mane gmbr sy kecik2???wuuu...


Anonymous said...

kiki...gamba no 3 mengundang tawa yang besar di pagi hari. kecik2 dah pandai buat muka 'kuat belajar' kan..

toyy, di manakah gmbar anda? haha~adakah ini sesi penganiyaan?

Kay said...

aahhahaaa.... ;) rupenye nila yg diperkatekan oleh seisi keluarga saye dikala sy masih diult mimpi..
hadoi ai.... muker beliau sgt seius!!

btul2... mane lak gmba toyy??

toybesh! said...

hahhaa....siyess ke gambaa tu...haha..kecik2 pon dh nampakk ke?
tulaa mane tah gamba sy..dianaktirikan..isk isk..

Kay said...

erkkk.... jgn cmtu... gmba sy waktu lahir pon tiada.. sob...sob... seius+mke tkejot.. uhuhuuhh... ;)

Anonymous said...

saya teraniaya..keskeskes

toybesh! said...

wlupon tekejutt tetap comeyy..awk mmg patut kene aniaye tauuu

Anonymous said...

uh...FYI semua family mmbers dah tengok gmba ni tau:P

haruslah berasa bangge...
sebab kecik2 dah bermuka educated..haha~

Kay said...

ahahhaaa... tidak dpt untuk mengelak lagi...! :)