Sunday, December 28, 2008
self resolution 1430H
1) Al-Qur'an recitation 1 juz per day insyaAllah
2) pray extra heed to my solah--towards achieving high quality solah!
3) check n balance the condition of my heart every now n then- qalbu management to be seeked..always!
4) towards a more purified islamic fikrah, ruhiyah and way of living
5) time is gold. treasure it
6) focus more on acting--implementing action instead of just thinking and talking
may ur prayers accompany me. pray that i'll be a better person.
"..i have in my hearts the will and in my hands the means.."
Salam Maal Hijrah
pray for our brothers and sisters in Palestine
Saturday, December 27, 2008
take control
i've always been a person who let life travels loosely. i don't put any tight rope to the proper end of it. i live life like water. it just flows. i don't plan. never did. take an example, i didn't even plan to become a doctor when i was in secondary school. i just let time decides, whatever time will bring. and until now, i don't even have a proper plan for my future. i'm only sure that i'd love to further my studies to be a specialist. to think of it it might be 'cewl' just to live life the way it is, but on the other hand, there are loose ends to it. like the saying goes, 'failing to plan means planning to fail'. of course, human proposes God predestines, but being able to plan properly for ur life also means that ur taking control over things that u can change, and the outcome results in u becoming more confident in navigating ur life, which way u want it to be heading.
so in my case, i think i need to re'revise' my life and come out with a certain plan and action regarding it. im 23 year old already, and next year i'll be turning 24. i'm aging, gosh. wut i should do is to start 'taking, remote controlling'-take control of my emotion, the kind of person i want to evolve being, take control over my studies, the kind of doctor i'll soon becoming. taking control also means to minimize worrying, instead-channelling it towards acting as in the saying; 'action speaks louder than words'. although it might not be 100% ideally turns out the way i'd be expecting cause there'll be God's hands in the moulding, at least
--> 'aim for the skies, at least u'll land among the stars'. like arai's quote to ikal from andrea hirata's tetralogi of laskar pelangi said: 'jangan pernah mendahului takdir'-interpreted as; before fate decides ur life, take maximize control over it beforehand. u have the ability to maximize the control over ur life if u believe so!
Friday, December 26, 2008
another day =)
goin' jogging with iman at 6.30
sending my motor to honda service centre at 8.30 (shock absorber desperately needs to be fixed-remembering ravi shocked face when i incidentally told him bout the shock absorber thing)
going to superindo to buy groceries for our 'masak nasi ayam ramai2 project' at 10.00
fetching kak gym beforehandlaa! =)
doing thesis result interpretation throughout the day
erm wut else?
rumah kat mlysia buat ape harini?critelaa..knape man n ecad dh tak slalu online. man kate ade nk tanye akak sumthing?apekah?
*on playing opick nasyeeds from his Ar Rahman album. not bad!

Thursday, December 25, 2008
my right middle and ring finger still ache after almost a month ( i think?) since i got them injured during our 1st basket game. thanks for the repetitive injuries they had to endure consecutively afterwards (in fact the victim is always those two fingers, i wonder y?-cos i just lurrvvee to tepis bolaa), the ring finger one is no longer straight. seriously it bends! HELP ME HELP ME..(mcm mane nk sarung cincin nanti??). hehhe. my back and abdomen hurts too. =(
kak huda is going back to jb this weekend, she'll be having holidays till next wednesday while tma is already home sweet, oh, how i miss home~! azra is also malaysia home sweet for her brother's wedding. luckily i have cek pah by my side, going through the thicks n thins, lurve you heap dearie ;)
meanwhile, azua (my maahad friend) is planning to visit jogja next year. but since my holidays are still not yet fixed, i just can't give the final say to her to have her flite ticket booked. january n february will be full of course with ppbkk practice ( i really hope so) while middle feb will be the ppbkk exam itself. while for march, most probably i'll be in malaysia while waiting for the ppbkk exam result ( determining whether we could proceed in entering clinical or get delayed). and our pkpmi congress is at bali on middle march (wink-wink*), the two proposed dates for the congress are the 13th-15th or the 20-22nd. i hope approval will be on the 20-22 march since my sister's wedding is on the 14th march and i wanna attend both! (",)..
fani my good friend has been messaging me inviting me to her home in cilegon (nearby jakarta), and keep saying that qaulan misses tante toy..hihi. qaulan is fani's baby, i wonder how big qaulan is right now compared to the last time i saw her from the photos fani sent me. she was so adorable, n small! i so wanna go to cilegon, but rite now i suppose that i have to prioritize, my studies are down in the drain, n i'm completely clueless to enter clinical. definitely i have to consider about my studies...i wonder will i be a good physician with only 'nil' knowledge that i have in my brain? definitely not. so buck it up, toy! ( untuk keamanan manusia sejagat, hehe).
i'm signing off now, if i were to continue, my tales to tell are endless! please pray for me..pray that i'll be a good person. i'll write more soon. missing home! till we meet again...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
bersungguh sungguhlah wahai hati...
1) hindari angan-angan kosong. segala sesuatu telah ditetapkan oleh Tuhan untukmu!
2) sesuatu dari Tuhanmu itu pasti yang terbaik, tiada syak lagi!
3) bersungguh-sungguhlah dalam meraih sesuatu. terutama menuntut ilmu!
4) jagalah ibadahmu, lapangkanlah dadamu.
5) dlm apa2 pun kondisi dirimu berada, pastikan hatimu sentiasa dlm keadaan tenang dan khusyuk!
6) yakinlah dengan janji2 Tuhanmu, kejarlah tingkat syurga tertinggi!
7) persembahkan yg terbaik buat Tuhanmu, cinta Allah dan rasul harus yg paling utama pd setiap ketika!
8) kurangkan berharap pada manusia, manusia tak boleh menjamin apa-apa tanpa izinNya.
9) sumthing happens simply becos Allah wants it to happen..kun fayakuun
10) jalan ini jln yg menjamin! yakinlah~
Thursday, December 18, 2008
main tipu
begitulah, bile exam menjelma, mulelah macam2 simptoms pelik2 muncul. tak makan nasilah, makan tak berkhasiatlah (mengemil), minum bende2 manis overdose lahh, sakit pinggang belakang lahh, nausea lah,panic attacklah, nk nangis lah, dan macam2 lagi. pendek kata, marilah same2 mendoakan sy agar sy tetap bertahannn dan meskipun satu dunia sy goes awry, sy masih tetap mampu memaintainkan kewarasan diri sy. aminn.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wut A Wonderful World~
Hari Sabtu =)
Berminggu-minggu lalu jam segini aku masih termangu-mangu membaca ulasan-ulasan dari buku PAPDI, juga melayan bebelan dari buku schwartz dan bates buat diskusi pagi sabtuku, kemudian sendirian membawa motor menongkah ring road menuju condong catur. senang sekali pagi ini rutin itu tidak dipenuhi. tapi ujian blok tercekat menungguku khamis dan jumaat nanti. moodku masih belum set untuk belajar hal-hal emergency. belajar awal bukanlah kebiasanku. memang ngebut belajar itu hobiku. susah sekali memecahkan habit yang tidak sihat buatku ini. dari jam 2 pagi tadi sudah terjaga, entah kenapa, namun konsentrasi masih belum jadi milikku. ahhh moga2 kondisi akan membaik dengan berjalannya Hari Sabtu ini.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Wedding tag
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right NOW!. 2) DON’T change your clothes, DON’T fix your hair…just take a picture. 3) Post that picture with NO editing. 4) Post these instruction with your picture. 5) Tag 10 people to do this.

1.How old are you?
19 + 4 =P
2.Are you single?
Single mingle jingle bell
3. In what age do you think you’ll get married?
Allah knows when~
4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
The person that is matchmade in heaven for me. I'll leave it to Him
6. Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
Beach =)
7. Your ideal motif?
White is nice. Middle eastern style is cute. For sure it's got to be simple but sweet
8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
Turkey =). Anywhere romantic,ahaha!
9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
As many as possible =)
10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
said it b4.simple!
11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
if ade, my own of course. so uninnovative to just copy n paste la kan
12. How many layers of cake do you want to have? tiru doyot (kehkehh)
13. Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
simple place, hotel pon best je.
14. When do you want to get married, evening or morning?
Terserah.waktu yg convenient utk sume org.hehe
15. You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
Outdoors (kate athletic..huh?? ape kaitan tahh?)
16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom/bride?
simple2 dah. he's already hold a special place inside my heart,so y bother?hehe
17. Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding?
Lagu P ramlee n Saloma.kidding..hehe,lagu yg nyanyi sendiriklaa-->rakam pastu pasang kat wedding sambil buat muke tak bersalahh (pure2 tak knal suare sndirik).hahhahaa.tipu je..yakin boleh sungguh--keskes~
18. Are you a morning person or a night person?
19. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
light.yg penting akad kan?
20. What age do you want to get married?
Human plans, God destines
21. Describe your ideal husband/wife.
Someone who can accept me the way i am inside out. despite my weaknesses and flaws. org yg bersedia utk bersame2 memperbaiki diri menuju jalanNya.the 'willingness to improve is important'.synergistic and complementing is the in me by Blue sums it all up
22. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
ape2 jelaa
24. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
right after..ofkoss with Encik betul everyday pun is a honeymoon
25. Money or household item?
26. Who will pay for the bills?
same2 laa
27. Are you ready for married life?
28. Do you think you will still be a virgin until u get married?
29. Will you always be true to your wife/husband?
30. How many kids do you like?
5 is cute
31. A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
kalo boleh new =)
32. Will you celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
silver.(main taram je ni)
33. What kind of cuisine would you like for your wedding?
34. Will you record your honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
mestilaaa..alang2 dah buat majlis..rakam jela sekaliann..
I tag:
1) kak fied
2) saffa (again!)
3) aziah zuber
4) atikah yuyun
5) natasha
6) phaik hsia =)
7) izzah
8) naufa (hehe)
9) rean..ahaha
10) fatin..if ur reading dis darrrlingg
Tag 1
(Satu)Do you think you're hot??
tak pernah. biase2 je. suam2 kuku.
(Dua)Upload your favourite picture of you
(Tiga)Why do you like that picture??
sbb bajet cool.pandangan sisi laa konon.hehe
(Empat)When is your last time you ate pizza??
adeh..tak ingat laa..yg pastinye last time kat pizza hut kot.agaga
(Lima)The last song you listened to??
(Enam)What are you doing right now beside this??
bace blog org lain smbil minun nescafe O sejuk
(Tujuh)What Name would you prefer beside yours??
aaa husna sofia, naufa azhari, nurha iman, umar al faruqi,ade lagii
(Lapan)People i tag??
(on a random note)
1) doyot
2) Nk
3) sAffa
4) kerp da legend =)
5) tasha
6) kurt kudeng and anep azme (slambe letak 2org skali)
7) aziah zuber =)
8) atikah yuyunn
(Sembilan)Who is number 1??
sistaahoood member, tutorial mate, ex-tarannum mate =P ,ex kalam mate, halaqah mate (mmuah2), doy2 si com2, cutie pie, sy suke cubit de n kate de minum susu botol kecik2 n de pandai masak!!
(Sepuluh)Number 3 is having relationship with??
misteri nusantara =P
(Sebelas)Say Something about no 5??
one of best buddies. teman bergayut. ex ktt mate. org kelate. miss her laaa
(Dua Belas)How about number 4??
beloved thesis mate ;). a drum chick, pandai masak (jgn tak cayeee!!), cumeyy, mase ospek 1st yer pakai attribute yg senang tercabut kalo kene tiup anginn waktuu larii (mcm mengkarung tau attribute tuu)..ahahahahaaa~!xleyh lupee aaaa kerpppppp!
(Tiga Belas)Who is number 2??
my cun rawks basketbabe, rainbow republic rulez, mutant mate (ahaahaa). kami boleh same2 masuk oprah book club (haha..betul kan wujud kelab tu?), cik emcee, alwiz a successful event organizor =P
Friday, November 28, 2008
panic attack on yesterday mid morning plus stomachache in the evening --> although this might be attributed to my improper eating these last few days yet i still think that my mental played a part.
and this morning, nauseated n loss of appetite, i struggle to finish off my cereal drink.
try, try to think of something happy
i did n i finally gulped the whole drink without realizing.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
tak tahu nk tulis ape
n i'm declaring that i miss home, not that badly though,but suam2 kuku..
another week kickstarting~
Saturday, November 22, 2008
cepat sungguh hati ini bolak balik sendiri.
sudah rasa biasa2 sahaja.
tp bersyukur perasaan itu sudah berlalu pergi.
sgt serabut bila Tuhan tidak tunjukkan jalan, sesat seorg diri.
Alhamdulillah Allah masih mengasihi diri ini..
Terima kasih juga pada entry blog gengsambalterung enlightened a lot!
jazakillah...=) -->
JAGA HATI KITA. Jangan biarkan ia dihinggapi habuk sehingga menjadi daki yang berkekalan. Bersihkan HATI kita dari segala kekotoran. Bagaimana?
" ...manusia Yang mempunyai hati (Tetapi) tidak mahu memahami dengannya (ayat-ayat Allah), dan Yang mempunyai mata (Tetapi) tidak mahu melihat dengannya (bukti keesaan Allah) dan Yang mempunyai telinga (Tetapi) tidak mahu mendengar dengannya (ajaran dan nasihat)..." [7:179]
Jaga mata. Jaga telinga. Jaga segala perbuatan kita. Kerana ia mempengaruhi HATI kita. InsyaAllah bila HATI sudah bersih, kita akan jadi lebih SENSITIF. Sensitif terhadap segala kekotoran yang kecil mahupon yang besar.
...dan juga entry dari Ilham al Adwa' (<--click link) yg sangat menyentuh hati..
*jazakillahu khairan katsiraan sekali lagi..doakan doa2 sy ada jawapannya..;)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
kenalilah potensi jiwa dan hatimu, ia boleh dibaja!
(doakan saya)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
soul searching...
mengapakah aku solat, membaca ayat2 suci Al-Qur'anMu,
tapi masih saja gemar berkata-kata yang tidak sepatutnya?
berlebihan dalam berbicara,
dan beranggapan nista tentang hamba-hambaMu?
manakah letaknya kondisi jiwaku?
tidakkah ianya terkesan oleh ibadah2ku,
jika tidak, di manakah silapnya yg telah berlaku?
hinakah jiwaku?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
herm, tasha texted me just now asking for what i'd like for my upcoming birthday present, suddenly reminding me that my birthday is approaching. had it really been a year?-i can't believe it- u just start to grow faster when you're older, don't you? i think this year's birthday will be different from the previous as it will be less significant and more forgettable. you do be ignorant and more serious when you're older, hehe.
anyway, if there is, my wishlists for birthday this year are (ngengade kan-ignore this part)
1) collins english thesaurus (super small n cute pocket size)
2) muhammad- a book by karen armstrong
3) a cute jacket from sixty that me n doyot usha last time but takde our sizes (haha)
4) qur'an tajwid
5) more and more books
ok, now semangat toy-do things with compassion and semangat, banyak kerja menanti nih, fokus ye, mulakan dengan bismillah dan niat yg baek kerana Allah-supaya bernilai ibadah. k,nk stat buat keje. bismillah.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Jogja kota harapan
Cinta setulus jiwa
By Opick
Dalam luka
Dalam duka
Engkau ada dan setia
Temani jiwa…
Surya yang memerah
Senja di langit dunia
Sunyi hatiku
Terbayang wajah mereka
Yang memelukku
Memberiku kasih dan sayang
Merawatku tanpa lelah
Setulus jiwamu…
Jauh sudah langkah hari
Yang memanggil rindu
Di dalam hatiku padamu
Andai bisa ku mengulang waktu
Hanya tuk mengerti akanmu, menyentuhmu…
I'm not a good daughter. i've never been a good one. ever since i was little, i was always the most hardened up and difficult child. but mak n ayah still love n accept me the way i am...unconditionally. for all the times when i was lost for words, lost for expressions, and for one or more ways if i've ever blamed u both for any mishaps, i'm deeply regretful. the greatest gift i could atone for all the wrongdoings i've done and ever present to u both is by being a better person, offering the best condition of my imaan in the eyes of Allah so the two of u would be placed among the righteous in this life and the next hereafter.. only wish..the only wish... from u to pray for this hardened steel heart of mine to be melted away, mak n ayah..
:..uhibbukum mak n ayah..:
'thank you for everything'
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
the basic dissection week
but here i am-taking basic dissection week for my elective block-and it turns out to be quite cewl and unbelievably i turned out to be quite a compulsive dissector!
my basic dissection week started with some lectures by mas jun, dr cahaya n the alwiz ceria dr santoso.mas jun has always been one of our most favourite anatomy assistant-and now shall i say-anatomist?-still he hasn't been a letdown-wowing us with his teaching ability, patience and the intelligence of answering any questions we stormed at him. his talent n passions are indeed awesome!
i had always admired dr santoso-he's really brilliant, passionate and cheerful-haha~i was told that he'd completed his medical degree with a 4 flat!wahhh~ i wish i have his brain!- will never forget the way he'll look at us in awe when we can't recall the anatomy parts he ask-hehe!
talk about being overconfident-here was a few bloops n blunders i made during tutorial which was unrevealed and pointed out by dr cahayani during her lecture!!!-malunye saye sbb terlebih jagung(corn-fident)!!! (muke merah malu tapi buat2 xtau pandang depan je..)-->
*fossa cubiti yang telah ditambah perasa sesuka hati menjadi fossa mediana cubiti
*scaphoid dekat radius snuffbox laa bukan ulnar (kok ini ga tauu??-bisik dr cahayani dlm hati-heh he hee)
*flexor pollicis longus disalah sebut dgn nyum nyum-nya menjadi flexor palmaris longus (beda banget lokasi dua-dua muscle nihh)
a few things i just knew regarding the cadaver in anatomy lab:-
*they come from the unclaimed body from the hospital-also unclaimed in some sort of jabatan kebajikan masyarakat (lebeyh kuang)-and since the jabatan cannot afford to cover its burial cost-it'll be given to the anatomy lab of medicine faculty-n it will later be treated as a dead body with respect-dimandikan,dikapankan dan disolatkan dan didoakan supaya contributionnya ini akan menjadi amal baik buatnya di akhirat kelak..
*after undergoing the above rituals-the body will be infused with highly concentrated formalin through his artery femoralis in the right thigh for 24 hours to rid off all of the blood contained in his blood vessels and to preserve the integrity of his internal organs!
*then the cadaver will be immersed in a huge formaline pool usually containing around 20 cadavers at a time-to preserve his external body parts.
*there is a huge underground hole in the back of anatomy lab to bury off the cadavers that is no longer of/in use.
*the ones that we're using for dissection is usually aged 5-10 years (youngest is 3 months old), since the formalin strength and hence toxicity is lesser for us.
my wishlists:-
- sumbody to do the pkp khidmat bakti masyarakat proposal for me
- sumone to replace and pay for my motor's new shock absorber-its leaking, n for god's sake,the journey feels so bumpyish!
-ubat jerawat!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
aspired to be better
i thank Allah for giving me answers through you
although i've waited for u quite long enough
long enough for me to learn the art of appreciating
now i'm clearer of my path ahead
and i could see the specks of hope igniting through
the end of the tunnel
and i thank Allah again
for sending me answers slowly but surely,
slowly enough for me to discover the strength of patience
convincing me that the wait is worth it
and now i know what i'm supposed to do
and i believe that it has just only begun
the faith and spirit will be soared higher,
may He be guiding through..
thank you Allah
kebersamaan itu adalah kekuatan
thanks ukhtiku ;)
(dedicate to dearest doyot too, may we be strong always..amin)
little by little we'll climb the stairs and pick up the pieces we've left, if Allah wills so..
dalam kehendak-Nya
tidak ada milik kita"
(Mana milik kita-Nadamurni)
redha dengan ketentuan Allah
pasti ianya yg terbaik,
bukankah Dia yg Maha Mengetahui?
the pages are written,
the inks are dried,
up there in the Lauhul Mahfuz,
before the time i cud even think of
what more can i say?
than i shall prostrate to You
if its for the best
then rather i shall thank You
“And whoever is dutiful to Allah, He makes a way out for him (from every difficulty). And He will provide for him from places he never could imagine. And whoever puts his trust in Allah, He
will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Indeed, Allah has set a measure for all things.” [ At-Talaaq: 2-3]
tinggal yakin, je kan?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
di saat ruh itu sepi
di ketika pengabdian sebenar tulus pada Tuhan diganti spiritual engineerings,
rekayasa manusia untuk berpura-pura dirinya dekat pada Pencipta..
di waktu hari2 diisi futile, meaningless conversations,..routine dan mundane acts..
di kala blank spaces mengisi rongga2 jiwa di antara sela waktu;
.:Tuhan kurniakan teman untuk mengingatkan..
‘Teman yang paling baik adalah apabila kamu melihat wajahnya, kamu teringat akan Allah, mendengar kata-katanya menambahkan ilmu agama, melihat gerak-gerinya teringat mati..’
dan benar, kata2 yang baik dari teman yang mengingatkan itu tidak ternilai harganya berbanding dunia dan seisinya:-
(taken from naufa's email content..)
apa guna bacaan quran bersama tafsir andai tidak terasa dgn hati..
[Dan apabila dibacakan al-Quran, maka dengarkanlah baik-baik dan perhatikanlah dengan tenang agar kamu mendapat rahmat. (Surah al-A'raaf, ayat 204)]
apa guna duduk bangun dlm solat andai dosa masih dihampiri..
[innastholatatanha 'anil fahsya'i wal mungkar - “Sesungguhnya solat dapat mencegah seseorang dari perbuatan keji dan mungkar.”(Surah Al-Ankabuut: 45) ]
apa guna anggota amanah ALLAH andai sentiasa dlm leka..
apa guna cinta andai kpd pencipta hanya bersahaja..
apa guna ukhuwah andai bukan untuk memperingatkan..
apa guna maghfirahNya andai taubat ditinggalkan..
sungguh benar kita kerap menghabiskan emosi dengan manusia yang akhirnya menyakitkan..
sungguh benar pula kita sentiasa menjadikan alasan 'manusia itu pelupa' untuk tidak mengingatiNya..
...jazakillah adik naufa ;)
(I'll be counting the days for u to come)
"Kelazatan di dunia ini tinggal tersisa 3 perkara; qiyamullail, bertemu dengan saudara seiman dan shalat jemaah" - Ibnul Munkadir
"Aku sempat bertemu dengan beberapa kaum dan kelompok. Mereka ini tidak pernah bersuka cita atas melimpahnya dunia. Pun, tidak pernah berduka cita atas hilangnya dunia. Di mata mereka, kekayaan dunia itu ibarat tanah."- Hassan Al- Bashri
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
the remedy for the insomniacs
the remedy for the heart
quoting a saying from one of my friend as a constant reminder for us as a servant to God, our lives need to be filled continously with tarbiyyah n mutaba'ah amal. it's not just about us, having to take care and pay heed over our ibadah, but the ibaadah in return will act as a shield in putting our lives under His care, completely. this is very vital, in order so that we won't take our ibaadah for granted cos what we've performed will be questioned in the hereafter later. Therefore, let's make effort to improve the quality of our ibadaah especially our SOLAT, bit by bit, ceaselessly without fail..
A humble reminder from me yet sincerely (insyaAllah)
Sampaikan dariku walau satu ayaat..
Sunday, October 26, 2008
adalah sifat semulajadi seorg hamba..kdg2 org2 yg baik pun boleh lalai..
kdg2 utk tidak lalai manusia memerlukan kekuatan..dan kekuatan itu boleh dtg dgn pelbagai'ah yg baik..solat malam..dan org2 sekeliling yg memberi inspirasi dan mentransmisi kekuatan..
oleh itu sentiasalah saling mengingatkan, kerana lalai itu mmg sifat fitrah hamba dan utk sentiasa beringat itu kita kena melawan arus hawa nafsu diri kita yg cenderung pada kelalaian ni..berterima kasihlah kepada Allah yg selalu mengejutkan kita dr kelalaian..sbb Allah masih syg kat kita..
"Hai orang yang berselimut, bangunlah lalu berilah peringatan" (Al-Muddatsir 1-2)
Ingatkanlah diriku wahai temanku jika kau kasihkan diriku kerana Allah...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
leaving home
the short embrace n cheek kisses from my bro wud be the last one, when he'll be back from school, my voice will no longer echo the house n my physique will no more to be found lingering around
a deep sorrow is encarved inside this chest of mine but mum says that i've taken this journey of medicine and embarked on it..n therefore i must complete it..
mum says that life is always fair-what u give, u'll get back- a lot more even! n wut Allah gives to others but not u is always replaced by something else that u may have but others don't conclude-everyone is strong and lucky-just that people have different strengths n lucks-to show that his Love and Majesty is so abundant- enough and it encompasses every one =)
and i suppose the whole conversation with my mum meant to mean:,
when the roads are tough
and the deep hollow of self doubt, self denial n self hating conjures
it takes a courage that should be mustered to conquer them
and my home, my sanctuary
has prepared me for whatever it takes
n will always welcome me in whatever condition i'll be in. always.
can't tell how much my love for my family is. i hope i've had done more for them~
p/s:al-fatihah n my greatest condolence to my dearest good buddy, tasha for her granddad demise. innalillahiwa inna ilaihi raji'un..smoga roh arwah atuk tasha ditempatkan dlm golongan org2 yg soleh.. aminn
i'm sure husna will be crying hard-wanting to follow me-kesian de.siap kumpul duet raye nk beli duet tiket flite ikut balik indo. so naive n innocent ;) -i'll miss her.. greatly!~
bye bye-home sweet home..
Sunday, October 19, 2008
tak baik
this is one of those moments.
sy wish sy sebaik org lain..
Friday, October 17, 2008
the wonders of the net!
thanx also to my two brothers who have been extra sweet in letting me to conquer the computer all to my self for the whole week!, without much complain or ado! i noe they've been supressing their online gaming crave just for the sake of allowing me to finish my work. how sweet~u guys are a gem! hehe~ =D
Thursday, October 16, 2008
bersabarlah..selagi bisa
if i just follow my heart desire, id be screaming n burst in anger since, me, my nature, my fitrah is not patient. i'd have to fight hard to have patience. but i noe, patience is a virtue, and Islam teaches it followers to have high patience. like the great prophet rasulullah saw who was tested neverendingly yet still remaining steadfast in upholding patience as his virtue..
be patient...cos patience is a piece of peace that cud lit the gloomy heart
be patient...cos if u don't embrace patience now, Allah will test u until one time,the patience is forced to be instilled within u..
practice patience..
Allah loves those who are patients
it's a virtue of those who are wise..
n He wants his servants to engulf the beauty of patience
as patience is the fruit of imaan
which only the muttaqien can taste the sweetness of it
in life, choose to be patient..
bersabarlah..selagi bisa!
husna and her new cat
~si comels..hehhe mcm kenal x bakul ni?~
haha:..husna calls her bom-briau mum pulak kate her name is nurul kelabu while me calls her syasya (anak tima in da future-hahaa). let's see... how long the cat will stay in our home..hehe
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
turning to Allah for comfort..
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
the urge to write 'sum' thing
yep, im still holidaying n njoyin' every minute of it. my days are filled wif the works of a house wife (yelahh tuu)-managing the households,the clothes,mandikan husna,suap husna makan,yet seem to be enjoying them. now i understand why Allah sets women to be at home while men have to strive outside to earn a living and fight for the ummah. we, women, have to fight too but, locationwise its different. it's really nice just being at home, until i have the tendency to just hibernate at home, not contacting anyone not even close friends. hehe. but u guys are still inside my heart, hehhe.
i'm also currently focusing to finish off the paperworks of my thesis. yeah, i know i've been brooding over this and has been mentioning bout my thesis like for the zillionth times yet still not over it yet.
i'll make sure i'll finish, soon, insyaAllah. its also really nice to go into depth on anxiety, the research title im working on, cos it's like studying a part of myself, too.
raya also had been super great. although i'd missed the maahad 02 batch raya convoy which managed to gather almost 40 people (that was above awesome), the frustration was compensated by organizing our ugm 05 batch kl-raya convoy. only managed to gather those yg available around kl. next time kte wat kt negeri lain pulak. hehhe. it was soo fun. around 15 peeps joined. really had a great time. n i bet the memory will last a lifetime.. (haha jiwang laks!)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
cant hardly wait
cant hardly wait to watch laskar pelangi the movie..
mimpi adalah kunci
untuk kita menaklukkan dunia
berlarilah tanpa lelah
sampai engkau meraihnya
laskar pelangi
tak kan terikat waktu
bebaskan mimpimu di angkasa
warnai bintang di jiwa
menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa
cinta kita di dunia
cinta kepada hidup
memberikan senyuman abadi
walau hidup kadang tak adil
tapi cinta lengkapi kita
laskar pelangi
tak kan terikat waktu
jangan berhenti mewarnai
jutaan mimpi di bumi
menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa
cinta kita di dunia
menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
bersyukurlah pada Yang Kuasa
cinta kita di dunia
Friday, September 19, 2008
a few ayaats to reflect upon..
[ 11 ]
Jangan engkau bimbang wahai Muhammad) biarkanlah Aku sahaja membalas orang (yang menentangmu) yang Aku ciptakan dia (dalam keadaan) seorang diri (tidak berharta dan anak pinak),
Dan Aku jadikan baginya harta kekayaan yang banyak,
Serta anak pinak (yang ramai), yang sentiasa ada di sisinya.
Dan Aku mudahkan baginya (mendapat kekayaan dan kekuasaan) dengan semudah-mudahnya.
Kemudian ia sangat ingin, supaya Aku menambahinya lagi;
Tidak sekali-kali (akan ditambahi) ! Kerana sesungguhnya dia menentang dengan degilnya akan ayat-ayat Kami (Al-Quran, yang disampaikan oleh Rasul Kami).
Aku akan menyeksanya (dengan azab) yang memuncak beratnya.
Kerana sesungguhnya ia telah memikirkan dan mereka-reka berbagai tuduhan terhadap Al-Quran) -
Maka binasalah dia hendaknya! Bagaimanakah dia berani mereka-reka (yang demikian)?
Sekali lagi: binasalah dia hendaknya! Bagaimana ia berani mereka-reka (tuduhan-tuduhan itu)?
Kemudian ia merenung dan memikirkan (berkali-kali: jalan-jalan mencaci Al-Quran, tetapi ia gagal);
Setelah itu ia memasamkan mukanya serta ia bertambah masam berkerut;
Kemudian ia berpaling (dari kebenaran) dan berlaku sombong angkuh,
Serta ia berkata: " (Al-Quran) ini tidak lain hanyalah sihir yang dituntut serta dipelajari (dari ahli-ahlinya);
"Ini tidak lain hanyalah kata-kata (rekaan) manusia!"
(Disebabkan kekufurannya itu) Aku akan masukkan dia ke dalam neraka Saqar.
Dan apa jalannya engkau dapat mengetahui kedahsyatan neraka Saqar itu?
Ia membakar mangsanya dengan tidak meninggalkan sisa, dan tidak membiarkannya (binasa terus)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
bedak sejuk
kalo cmtu knape pakai bedak sejuk ni, bile bangun pagi tengok makin banyak jerawat kat muke.
salah bedak sejukkah?
pimples2 d wajahku nampaknya semakin berlumba2 utk mendapatkan ruang dan cahaya matahari..
larger garbage bags
Maybe we'll need larger garbage bags sooner..
changes are not made overnight
It needs a process, a lot of factors will be involved then, and maybe it'll take a very long,long time..
it's just Soal Hati, isn't it?
from nothing to something..
but i'm learning
and i'm enjoying it..
although making mistakes and asking a lot of silly questions will be made along the way
i'll make do with it
knowing dat this item is needed
in the checklist
of the process to become from nothing to something..and progressing
"Celakalah orang2 yang hari ini nya tidak lebih baik dari semalam"
-Dr B.j aka Bambang Djarwoto..-
Saturday, September 13, 2008
this upcoming week
2) assistency
3) thesis
4) guides to good prescribin
5) flight tickets returning to jogja!
alhamdulillah to Allah's mercy..
though past week had been tough (esp histo exam) Allah determines me to be able to made it thru still safe and sound, not dead yet n still breathing as humanely as possible..
praise be only to Allah, the creator
Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah n alhamdulillah..
May i be able to liven up these remnants of Ramadhan..
Friday, September 12, 2008
human and its limitations
kadang2 kita buat baik tapi orang lain tak nak bagi cooperation
kadang2 kita buat baik, bukan saja org lain tak nak bagi cooperation malahan tak even bother to understand..
mungkin mmg sifat semulajadi manusia
kita hanya fikirkan diri kita
kite jelahh yg paling malang dlm dunia
jarang sekali cuba 'put urself in other people's shoes'
hobi hanya nk 'menjudge org lain'
ataupun merasa diri sendiri saje yg betul
apalah yg ade pada diri seorg manusia
diciptakan cume dari tanah je pun
itupun dah nak rase semue yg dia ada tu dia yang punya
tak sedar ke yang tu semua milik Tuhan
tak layak pun nak berkeluh kesah
tak layak pun nak complain itu ini
apa yg Tuhan bagi kat kite tu pun utk kita sumbangkan pada agamaNya juga
cube spare a thot for other people jugak
jgn asyik nk fikir pasal diri sendiri
banyak lagi org lain yg lebih teruk dari keadaan kita
sudah2 la...dari jadi selfish
sudah2 la juga
dr terus-terusan mengharap kepada manusia
kekecewaan dan sedih hati tak bertepi nanti
mmg Tuhan dah kate manusia tak sempurna
jadi kenapelah lagi kita still harap pada manusia..
sudah2 la
Tuhan tu Maha Ada
Tuhan tu Maha Sempurna
Tuhan tu Maha Tahu
Tuhan tu adalah sebaik2 Pembela
Dan pertolongan Tuhan tu ada bersama-sama org-org yang menolong agamaNya..
agama ini milik kita
apa gunanya hati kalau tak faham?
-Diri yang lemah lagi tak berdaya..
La haula wala quwwata illa billahil aliyyul 'azhim..
Allah tahu apa yg kita tak tahu, n Allah adalah sebaik2 Hakim..
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
how to balance a system?
1) Relax, take a deep breath
2) Remove all the distractions from ur brain, they're just fooling u around
3) Think of God, and all of his mercy upon U, He the Determiner of all things, things happen the way HE plans them to BE!
4) Believe in wut ur heart says, be confident of it
5) Don't fret! just be calm
6) Think - one thing at a time, don't get paranoid
Relax, relax and relax, enjoy enjoy n enjoy..stay focus dearie me (",)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
the emotions i'm at
Civilization are born and die each and every day,
We see good and bad and happy sad,
And made mistake we wished we hadn't made,
In our attempt to try and live up to their way,
But if we hide ourselves away,
Afraid to grow and learn, we might wake up in the flame of ignorant and sad burn,
And we will never be much more than casualties of war,
In a struggle we can't win if we have no faith to begin,
We got to tip the lid and let the sun light again,
Coz the world is not a box,
It's the piece of the peace of Islam
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
peluang untuk memperoleh kemuliaan..
peluang memperoleh kemuliaan
last sunday we (me, azra, doyot, iman n ain) went to taruna (a pesantren) for our weekly pengajian n tafseer surah al-ahzab was discussed. an emphasize more or less was given regarding kemuliaan yg diberikan kpd kaum wanita. Ustazah aka ibu umar mentioned about satu hadits tentang kedatangan seorang wafid (utusan) dr kaum wanita bertemu Rasulullah sallallahualaihiwassalam untuk meminta persamaan hak antara lelaki dan wanita. wanita itu menyampaikan keluhan para wanita bahawa kaum lelaki diizinkan keluar berperang dan berpeluang utk mendapatkan syahid sedangkan kaum wanita duduk di rumah menguruskan keperluan suami dan anak-anak, di manakah peluang kami untuk mendapatkan syahid? kemudian Rasulullah dengan penuh hikmahnya menjawab, kembalilah kamu kepada kaum wanita dan sampaikan kpd mereka bhw sekiranya mereka mentaati suami dan menjaga hak2 nya, mereka akan mendapat ganjaran yang sama namun sedikit sekali antara para wanita yang mengamalkannya..
Satu lagi hadits turut membincangkan tentang kemuliaan yang diberikan kpd kaum wanita iaitu sekiranya seorang wanita itu solat 5 waktu, puasa sebulan di bulan Ramadhan, menjaga kehormatannya dan taat pada suami wanita itu boleh masuk ke dlm syurga dari mana2 pintu yg diinginkannya.
Namun ada juga hadis yg berlawanan bahawa Rasulullah sallallahualaihiwassalam bersabda Aku ditunjukkan neraka dan banyak penghuninya adalah wanita kerana mereka mengingkari kebaikan suaminya.Mungkin juga banyak wanita yang berpotensi menjadi penghuni neraka krn kurang memerhatikan soal aurat dan akhlak. Na'uzubillahi min zalik.
Jadi kesimpulan yg boleh sy ambil di sini ialah Allah itu Maha Adil. Dia telah memberi persamaan hak kepada kedua-dua wanita dan lelaki tapi dalam bidang yang berbeza. Benar, Ar Rijal Qawwamun 'ala Nisaa' tetapi di sebalik kehebatan seorang lelaki itu ada seorang wanita yang menyokongnya.
Wanita itu berpeluang untuk mendapatkan kemuliaan di sisi Allah dengan mentaati suami namun sedikit sekali yang memanfaatkan peluang ini. Malahah, kalau dilihat pada zaman ini lebih banyak wanita yang prefer untuk mengutamakan karier drp keluarga. Rugilah kita kalau mensia2kan peluang kemuliaan yang Allah beri ini. Sesungguhnya janji Allah adalah benar.
Seorang ibu itu jugalah madrasah pertama anak-anak. Jadi, wanita harus mempunyai kesedaran untuk melengkapkan diri dengan ilmu-ilmu ilahi dan duniawi (ex: betulkan bacaan Qur'an, hafal qur'an dsb) kerana merekalah nanti yg akan 1st hand mendidik anak2 untuk melahirkan anak2 kecil itu sbgai generasi jundi2 islam nanti. kalau tak, jadilah mereka seperti ketam, mengajar anaknya berjalan lurus tapi dia sendiri berjalan bengkok.sangat besar n amanah tanggungjwb seorg wanita ini rupanya. tapi besar pulalah ganjaran yang Allah janjikan padanya jika berjaya melaksanakannya dengan baik.
Semulia2 pengabdian adalah pengabdian kepada suami- kata2 daripada Ibu Umar.
(after the devotion to Allah and His Messenger to add)
When u talk about women rights, we shud also talk about women responsibilities. How can u request on ur rights when u dont perform ur responsibility wholely?
-Dr Hjh Harlina Haji Siraj
Ballighuni walau ayaat..
Saturday, August 23, 2008
inter 05 outbound day..
girls only
the girls and the facis