i'm tagged....,by beloved kak fied..=)
I've watched a programme at astro where a research has been done to see some habits of university students and here are the top 10:
makan maggi
stay up
last minute assignment
main game
tgk movie
afraid of seeing the lecturer for CH
lazy to wake up from sleep
last minute study
I’ve never really been a sleeping beauty (or ugly)ever since I entered 2ndary school. cos I started to realize dat time is soo precious. I used to sleep less during weekdays and try to cover my sleep during in between classes and Friday evening (cos no prep class!hehe). but nowadays im more critical and conscious over the time I spent on sleeping- I calculate them dailyly! i make sure I sleep lesser than 8 hours a day (in average 6 hours a day,huhu).kadang2 terlajak juge. When I cut on my sleep, I realize dat I cud be more productive. To get sumting, we just have to sacrifice,dun we? And rehat sebenar seorg pejuang adalah apabila sudah di alam kubur nanti..semoge kita termasuk org2 tu,hehe
Makan megi
susah nk elak.kat maahad dulu,slalu buat pesta mkn megi beramai2.seronok gile if ade member yg amik air panas dr dewan makan pas prep mlm.air panas mu, air panas ku jua.kdg2 air tak brape panas pun kitorg balun.jadilah megi separe keras.tu pun boleh berselera.haha.penah juge satu era tgh berdisiplin tinggi,puase sepenuhnye dr mkn megi.maklumle,tak baik utk otak.tp sat je,skrg dh rutin balik.apetah lg sy berhousemate dgn seorg ‘meggi girl’,haha.terpengaruh sy dibuatnye.cume skrg dh boikot jename maggi (sbb nestle produk yahudi),kite balun jename mi segera lain pule spt mie rusky dan mamee.hehe.
Stay up
dolu2 ms kat mahad mmg sy laa burung hantu.pikir2 balik berani juge kdg2 tinggal sy sorg2 stay up kt bilik prep ujung tu.bile balik bilek sume org dh tdo.then pi toilet sensorg.wahaha.bukannye ape,keje umah byk sgt.akibatnye,slaluula sy subuh gajah and jd org last tinggalkan floor aspuri utk p skolah tiap2 hr (xpadan ngan pengawas!).tp sjak sy msk uni,sy sedar habit ni tak bagus utk kesihatan dn juge iman sy.hehe.dan perlahan2 sy bejaye merubah pattern tdo bertahun2 sy dr ‘stay up’er menjadi ‘wake up’-er. Kalo sy byk keje cmne pon sy akn tdo pas isya’ dolu then bgn jam 1 or 2 pg. semoga kita sama2 memanfaatkan akhir 1/3 mlm yg sgt masyuk ini utk berkhalwat dgn Tuhan. Cume kdg2 once in a while,sy ter’break’ juge rule ni. hehe
Last minute assignment
ni mmglaa hobi sy.sy ade terbace org2 yg suke wat keje last minet ni adlh org2 yg perfectionist atau lack of self esteem.mereka mengambil prinsip ‘all or nothing’.pk2 betul juge.cos if buat awal2 mcm tak tau ayt mane yg sesuai atau terbaek.tp kalo last minet kan dh waktu kritkikal, taram jelaa ape yg ade kat otak,dh tak amik pusing ‘apekah ade ayt yg lebih baik’.kdg2 tu dhlaa last minet maseh afford nk expect kerja yg dihasilkan perfect.ade hati tu.haha.mmg laa suke high adrenaline rush.dn setiap kali ulang habit xmenyehatkan ni,setiap kali tulaa berazam xnak ulang lg,tp tetap juge mungkir janji.hahai.ape nk jadilaa.boleh stroke dibuatnye!
Suke je dating dgn girl frens all around.fave date partner ofkoslaa azra. haha. bile teringat dating teringat kat fatimah (kak gym),suke noo ajak girl frenz de dating. haha. dulu2 pun sy suke dating ngan best fren Indonesian sy fani, tp skrg de dh kawen (dh bersalin dh pun) so now mangse2 sy adlh anggote2 sisterhood lain yg ade laa
Main game
Sy dh lame tak maen game.hehe.takde mase.wuu.kat comp sy pun mmg xde install ape2 game pon. solitaire pon sy tak reti maen. cume ms sy kat sendowo blok F dulu sy slalu akn lepak kat bilik has kalo nk main game Zuma,haha. riadah lg best kan?rindu maen netball tiap2 ptg mase kat ktt dolu2.rinduuuuu sgt! ;)
Tgk movie
Ni pun sgt2 jarang sejak msk uni.kalo sy tgk pon, movie yg ade mesej dan ofkos yg tak ‘lame’.bukan lama tapi ‘lame’.hehe.kene tapis dulu.awal2 dulu, adela sy dan housemates,kak azy n azra wat ‘tayangan minggu ini’ kat ruang tamu bersantai2 tgk movie scr berjemaah.sgt sweet laa moments mcm tu.=)
Afraid of seeing the lecturer for CH
tgk mood.kdg2 berani,kdg2 rase cuak.tertakluk pade suasana self esteem saye.
Lazy to wake from sleep
rasenye sy cm senang je nk bgn dr tido.ye dok,housematesku??hehhhe.
Last minute study
slaluu x sempat..nk wat cemane?n for beginning for every blok pun slalu berazam tanak stadi last minet,tp akan buat juge.wuu..konon2nye byklaa hal2 negare lain yg perlu diselesaikan,smpi stadi kene letak tepi dulu.banyakla,pelajar cabuk!hohoo.apekan daye kuu tak pernah insaf utk adrenaline rush..isk2.
and now im tagging..
1) my ugm frens..=) anyone?
2) Saffa @ banat..(buat ye jgn tak buat..=D)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Generasi Harapan
Dimana dicari pemuda Kahfi
Terasing demi kebenaran hakiki
Dimana jiwa pasukan Badar berani
Menoreh nama mulia perkasa abadi
Umat melolong di gelap kelam
Tiada pelita penyinar terang
Penunjuk jalan kini membungkam
Lalu kapankah fajar kan datang
Mengapa kau patahkan pedangmu
hingga musuh mamapu membobol bentengmu
Menjarah menindas dan menyiksa
Dan kita hanya diam sekedar terpana
Bangkitkan negri lahirkan generasi
Pemuda harapan tumbangkan kedzaliman
Wajah dunia Islam kini memburam
Cerahkan dengan darahmu
Panji Islam telah lama terkulai
Menanti bangkit kepalmu
Terasing demi kebenaran hakiki
Dimana jiwa pasukan Badar berani
Menoreh nama mulia perkasa abadi
Umat melolong di gelap kelam
Tiada pelita penyinar terang
Penunjuk jalan kini membungkam
Lalu kapankah fajar kan datang
Mengapa kau patahkan pedangmu
hingga musuh mamapu membobol bentengmu
Menjarah menindas dan menyiksa
Dan kita hanya diam sekedar terpana
Bangkitkan negri lahirkan generasi
Pemuda harapan tumbangkan kedzaliman
Wajah dunia Islam kini memburam
Cerahkan dengan darahmu
Panji Islam telah lama terkulai
Menanti bangkit kepalmu
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
let go of my fears
sumtimes i just cant
but i wish i cud
and i'd do it quick
cos time is just too short
to let it dwells on
for too long
sumtimes i just cant
but i wish i cud
and i'd do it quick
cos time is just too short
to let it dwells on
for too long
mental @ heart cold?
When ur bak at home, nothing else matters anymore. we're stuck in wut we call the ‘comfort zone’.And to break away from the luxury comfort of it is as difficult as breaking away from prison. That's wut im feeling rite now. Anyhow, i still try to make my hols beneficial by lending out helping hands as much as I cud, running errands here and there, teaching my brothers,entertaining my mum and husna-a five year old kid who is getting smarter and smarter day by day and keeping awake after subuh (I dun ever wanna break this gud habit-time is soo precious!),reading as time allows me to- I’ve read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and The kite runner by khaleed hosseini. Both books are good but my preference is Paulo coelho’s. I’ve discovered that I like his book themes-it’s inspirational and it reflects upon life and aspects of spirituality where I think everyone cud relate to. His another work, Brida (which I’ve flipped thru in MPH bookstore) is also good and of course, most of his books are international bestsellers.
And rite now I’m on my way of reading ‘Bagaimana menyentuh hati-kiat-kiat memikat objek dakwah’ to save my flames of Islamic spirit from fading by the blow of this ‘vacation wind’. huhhu. this very good book is written by abbas as siisiy-one of the 1st generation of Ikhwanul Muslimin members who received direct ‘tarbiyah qur’aniyah’ from Asy Syahid Hassan Al Banna. Of course, Hassan Al Banna, who can be considered the Mujadid of the 13th century is very well known for his beautiful akhlak and behaviour, the world misses people like him. I love the narration of this book plus the Qur’anic verses selected matches very well with the subjects that are discussed in this book. think this book is a must read to all muslims. Wake up oh muslims!
To everyone’s enjoying holidays,maybe it’s ok to have mental freeze,ur mind needs the rest, but dunt let it rests for too long,it’s a predilection for Alzheimer,plus most importantly,dun ever let ur HEART freezes cold. It needs nourishment and supplication. Keep it alive and burning, wut’s worser than a dying heart? Give sum thot for the ummah,k? The ummah needs us.
Last but not least, here I am going to promote our PKPMI Polaroid writing contest-3 categories – 1) opinions or thots, 2) creative witings and 3) places of writings. For those who are finding ways to kill their ample time during this leisure, do submit ur participations, talented people!!

And rite now I’m on my way of reading ‘Bagaimana menyentuh hati-kiat-kiat memikat objek dakwah’ to save my flames of Islamic spirit from fading by the blow of this ‘vacation wind’. huhhu. this very good book is written by abbas as siisiy-one of the 1st generation of Ikhwanul Muslimin members who received direct ‘tarbiyah qur’aniyah’ from Asy Syahid Hassan Al Banna. Of course, Hassan Al Banna, who can be considered the Mujadid of the 13th century is very well known for his beautiful akhlak and behaviour, the world misses people like him. I love the narration of this book plus the Qur’anic verses selected matches very well with the subjects that are discussed in this book. think this book is a must read to all muslims. Wake up oh muslims!
To everyone’s enjoying holidays,maybe it’s ok to have mental freeze,ur mind needs the rest, but dunt let it rests for too long,it’s a predilection for Alzheimer,plus most importantly,dun ever let ur HEART freezes cold. It needs nourishment and supplication. Keep it alive and burning, wut’s worser than a dying heart? Give sum thot for the ummah,k? The ummah needs us.
Last but not least, here I am going to promote our PKPMI Polaroid writing contest-3 categories – 1) opinions or thots, 2) creative witings and 3) places of writings. For those who are finding ways to kill their ample time during this leisure, do submit ur participations, talented people!!

husna main dokter2
ptg td husna ajak main dokter2.comel sgt.stetoskop de kecik.tak muat nk masuk telinga sy.pastu set dokter mini mainan husna siap ade syringe dan jugak reflex hammer!which is soo cute.i've realized dat ever since we were small, we're doctrined to be doctors.no wonder,indirectly it contributes to why choosing medicine as a profession is so commercialized and popular.it's like the all season 'in thing'.well for me,i didn't really wanna be a doctor yet i was encouraged by my bestest fren marlia to be one.so i decided to just 'go with the flow'.but now,as i grow older, hence choosing to take responsibilities over my every action,i had to admit that there's a price to pay to be a physician and u have to pay the price also once u've accomplished to become one.there's a responsibility looming ahead,a message to be spreadt that is not just fulfilled by serving the sick and the needy. being a doctor is just a platform. a platform to achieve the 'other bigger things' or to reach out to the world, to extend ur heart to spread 'the bigger message' which is the message of islaam and peace..
"Katakanlah,'Inilah jalan(agama)ku,aku dan orang-orang yang mengikutiku mengajak kalian kepada Allah dengan hujah yang nyata. Mahasuci Allah, dan aku tidak termasuk orang-orang musyrik" (Yusuf:108)
with great power comes great responsibility
"Katakanlah,'Inilah jalan(agama)ku,aku dan orang-orang yang mengikutiku mengajak kalian kepada Allah dengan hujah yang nyata. Mahasuci Allah, dan aku tidak termasuk orang-orang musyrik" (Yusuf:108)
with great power comes great responsibility
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