And rite now I’m on my way of reading ‘Bagaimana menyentuh hati-kiat-kiat memikat objek dakwah’ to save my flames of Islamic spirit from fading by the blow of this ‘vacation wind’. huhhu. this very good book is written by abbas as siisiy-one of the 1st generation of Ikhwanul Muslimin members who received direct ‘tarbiyah qur’aniyah’ from Asy Syahid Hassan Al Banna. Of course, Hassan Al Banna, who can be considered the Mujadid of the 13th century is very well known for his beautiful akhlak and behaviour, the world misses people like him. I love the narration of this book plus the Qur’anic verses selected matches very well with the subjects that are discussed in this book. think this book is a must read to all muslims. Wake up oh muslims!
To everyone’s enjoying holidays,maybe it’s ok to have mental freeze,ur mind needs the rest, but dunt let it rests for too long,it’s a predilection for Alzheimer,plus most importantly,dun ever let ur HEART freezes cold. It needs nourishment and supplication. Keep it alive and burning, wut’s worser than a dying heart? Give sum thot for the ummah,k? The ummah needs us.
Last but not least, here I am going to promote our PKPMI Polaroid writing contest-3 categories – 1) opinions or thots, 2) creative witings and 3) places of writings. For those who are finding ways to kill their ample time during this leisure, do submit ur participations, talented people!!

Thanks. Im Inspired again.
Your blog is very creative, when people read this it widens our imaginations.
To the author of this blog,I appreciate your effort in this topic.
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